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Sculptures (2019)

for flute and electronics


Premiered by Antonina Styczen at the Boston Conservatory, on 16th November, 2019. This piece is part of the album Playlists.

Playlists was recorded, mixed and mastered by Maurice Soque Jr., and released on 15th July, 2020.

Originally titled “The Lone Wolf Stalks”, Sculptures is an re-write of this piece for amplified flute and electronics - with an updated sound world to fit in my album, Playlists. The piece makes use of several different synthesised sounds, including several made on the modelling synth, Sculpture. Also used are pre-recorded samples performed by Kathryn Downs, a student I worked with while at the Boston Conservatory. The solo flute often blends with the texture, always wanting to stand at the forefront. It rarely does, until at the end of the piece. I wanted to write a piece where the soloist was part of the electronics. Rather than writing complex riffs that show the performer’s skill, and the capabilities of the instrument, I use the performer as a visual invitation into the piece, giving the audience a perspective, and a viewpoint from which to listen to this piece.

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